United Farm Workers — A Vintage Series of Photographs taken for a Rolling Stone Magazine article in 1973, which was written by David Harris
This was the first time I had been contacted by Rolling Stone Magazine. David Harris, who was known for his anti-war, anti-draft stance at the time, and also married to singer Joan Baez, was writing the story. I've picked out a few of my favorites to show here from scanned negatives. This was long before Coachella became known for its music festival. The story, which is long but fascinating, can be read at this link.
UFW headquarters, Coachella, California
A Hell's Angel "goon" guarding a grape field in order to keep UFW organizers from meeting with farmworkers, 1973
Interior of UFW office, Coachella, California, 1973
Farmworker eating in the David Freedman cafeteria. Freedman was one of the only farms that allowed UFW organizers to meet with their workers. It was also known for having the best living conditions of any of the farms in the Coachella area, 1973
Intrior of UFW headquarters, Coachella, California, 1973
UFW members taking a break from organizing and picketing sit inside the UFW office in Coachella, California, 1973
Farmworker watches TV in his "room" at the David Freedman farm in Coachella, California. Freedman was one of the only farms that allowed UFW organizers to meet with their workers. It was also known for having the best living conditions of any of the farms in the Coachella area, 1973
Two farmworkers resting in the David Freedman Farms housing, Coachella, California, 1973
Hell's Angels members hired to keep UFW organizers out of grape vineyard in Coachella, California, 1973