Luck in Photography vers 8.0
1 the lucky winner: fortunate, in luck, blessed, favored, born under a lucky star, charmed; successful, prosperous. Antonyms unfortunate.
2 a lucky escape: providential, fortunate, advantageous, timely, opportune, serendipitous, expedient, heaven-sent, auspicious; chance, fortuitous, fluky, accidental.
Turning from Market Street onto Haight Street in San Francisco, California, going west on the south side of the street, I noticed some movement across the street.
The movement I had caught with my peripheral vision was a young black boy swinging out of the back of a delivery truck.
After I took this photo the boy's father appeared, the boy got off his makeshift swing, they both climbed into the front and drove away.
This was one of those fortuitous situations that, if I had turned onto Haight Street from Market street a minute or two later, the truck with the makeshift swing and boy swinging would have been lost to my camera, and in fact, lost to my memory completely since I wouldn’t have seen the situation. It would have been as if the boy had never swung from the back of the truck at all.
When I think about those kinds of fleeting situations, it prompts me to wonder what other opportune or serendipitous subjects I miss on a daily basis.
1 the lucky winner: fortunate, in luck, blessed, favored, born under a lucky star, charmed; successful, prosperous. Antonyms unfortunate.
2 a lucky escape: providential, fortunate, advantageous, timely, opportune, serendipitous, expedient, heaven-sent, auspicious; chance, fortuitous, fluky, accidental.
Turning from Market Street onto Haight Street in San Francisco, California, going west on the south side of the street, I noticed some movement across the street.
The movement I had caught with my peripheral vision was a young black boy swinging out of the back of a delivery truck.
After I took this photo the boy's father appeared, the boy got off his makeshift swing, they both climbed into the front and drove away.
This was one of those fortuitous situations that, if I had turned onto Haight Street from Market street a minute or two later, the truck with the makeshift swing and boy swinging would have been lost to my camera, and in fact, lost to my memory completely since I wouldn’t have seen the situation. It would have been as if the boy had never swung from the back of the truck at all.
When I think about those kinds of fleeting situations, it prompts me to wonder what other opportune or serendipitous subjects I miss on a daily basis.